‘Seven Summits’ no obstacle for young climber
is the headline of a wonderful story. The 7 summits are the highest mountains on
the seven continents. Samantha Larson is an 18 year old from California. She reached the summit of Mount Everest on Thursday, May 17th. She is
believed to be the youngest person to scale the highest peaks on each of the
seven continents. It is so refreshing to read good news about
teens. There’s plenty of it. We just don’t get to hear it as much as we should.
has been climbing mountains since she was a child. She reached the summit of
South America’s Aconcagua when she was 13 and Africa’s Mount
Kilimanjaro when she was 14.
next challenge is Stanford University which she will begin attending in the fall. She graduated from high school in 2006 but has spent the last year concentrating on climbing.
was searching around and found her Everest 2007 blog.
She blogs, she climbs, and who knows what else Samantha may go on to accomplish? I also found a web site that tells her story, complete with great pictures, of the 7 summits. I love learning geography when it is wrapped around such a heart-warming story. Here’s a link to the
official site to gain more information on these magical mountains. There is also good information on Wikipedia.
Okay now why don’t you dare to dream? My question for you is “What is the one dream you have, or one thing that matters to you that you would like to accomplish?" Share why you chose what you did. It can be little, it can be big. Think about it and share in the comments. What challenge would you like to undertake? Go for it!
Photo credit: Wikipedia
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