Today, I want to introduce you to my friend Luz. She is a shy 11 year old girl with black hair, tan skin brown eyes. With that, she has a great smile. She also always wears beautiful gold earings to match her outfits!
At home, she has 2 sisters, 1 brother & a cat. Luz likes to play football and also collects butterflys. She also loves Pizza. Her favorite animal are cats & if you ever see her, she looks like a cat lover like my siter.
Luz has been at the U.S. for 2 years now and she is very happy to be here. One of the main reasons is to learn english! She told me that on the way to the U.S. she saw moutans. By one, there was a car that fell off the mountan road and caught on fire! Wow! Also, her father (who was driving) drove up a moutain and at the top, Luz almost got sick! What a scary trip!
Well, that is pretty much Luz'es life. If you want to know more, don't ask me, ask her!