From Yoceline.....
What did you learn in your art class?
- We learned about "The Day of the Dead" and saw examples of Art from Mexico. We discussed the author Fenster and saw student work posted on the web.
- How the teacher uses artists and art history to teach her students.
- Great ways to integrate curriculum from the homeroom class with art.
- I learned about the celebration of The Day of the Dead (pia de los Muertos), which is an important part of the Mexican students. They dedicate tables to a deceased person and decorate it with items the person loved.
- We also discovered that some of the artwork from the students at J. H. House is posted in the Internet. How neat!
- I actually made a picture of a skull using oil pastels, liquid gel markers and a sheet of clear acrylic.
- That "surprise day", marble jar & smocks were all good incentives & routines.
- Art is much more than just having fun and making a mess.
- Cool markers!
- I learned what positive and negative space is.
- The indirect lesson I learned involved the full integration and immersion in the class.
- I learned that the art teacher actually teaches content.
- That you can color on ceiling tiles.
- The tiles on the ceiling were great!
- Art tools = paper clip
Field Trip to J. H. House
Georgia State University preservice teachers
November 3, 2003