Field Trip to J. H. House
College Students
by Jacqueline
On Tuesday I met some college students with the gift of gab(skill in talking). I can't believe that I met with Georgia State stutdents. When I was interviewing the College girls I felt really nervous, and excited at the same time. I asked them if you had to write one paragraph on this school, what would it be? One girl told me that it was a clean school and the kids were well behaved.
When I asked them why do you want to be a teacher? They got kind of quiet and one girl said because I love kids and love to see kids learn something new. Ashley was the one that I was more interested. She said," I know teaching can be very fun."
Look below for the answer to the following interview question:
What did you think about the "Wrinkles" weblog that these children are doing?
- Wonderful!
- Great use of technology and critical thinking
- Great!!
- I think they are very lucky to be working on such an exciting project.
- Very well-put-together! I am extremely impressed!
- It is wonderful that ESL students are being included.
- It was great.
- I was very impressed. It was nice to see actual students doing what we are experimenting with at GSU.
Field Trip to J.H. House
Georgia State University preservice teachers
November 3, 2003