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Hello, it is I, SuperThinker, visiting your wonderful blog again. Hmmm...interesting! The new Iraqi bills DO sound like a lot of money. I don't think I would want to live in Iraqi. SuperThinker is a Cuban-American, through and through. But, I love to visit other countries-so, why not visit Iraq, too!


Hi!SuperThinker I thought you had forgot about us! That is cool that you like visiting other countries. How many countries had you visit? Thank you!!!!


Hi!SuperThinker I thought you had forgot about us! That is cool that you like visiting other countries. How many countries had you visit? Thank you!!!!


Hi!SuperThinker I thought you had forgot about us! That is cool that you like visiting other countries. How many countries had you visit? Thank you!!!!


Hola Emily! No way! SuperThinker will NEVER forget about you wonderful bloggers! But, it's a tough job being a superhero blogger, ya know! It's a tough job but SOMEBODY'S got to do it, and that somebody is ME!!! Well, I have visited Mexico, Cuba, and Canada. I really want to visit Spain, Italy, Ireland, and England. What about you Emily. Have you visited any other countries?


Hola SuperThinker! I know the comment was for me because you answer my question but,you put Emily. It is o.k. I make errors like that too.
The question you asked me about how many countries I have visited. I only visit a lot of places in Mexico. I also pass through many states like Texas, Mississippi,Alabama and some more. Well see ya'.

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