1. What is your favorite thing about weblogs?
My favorite thing to do in weblogs is to speak out loud on the Internet. Creating a website made me feel that I was grown up.
2. What have you learned?
I have learned how to use extended vocabulary and have grown to be more mature.
3. How have you changed?
I have changed in many ways, one of them would be more mature, another is smarter, and more involved with the news.
4. What will you do with what you have learned?
Put it into my everyday life. And hopefully become a great writer.
5. What has been the most challenging or frustrating for you and have you met the challenge or overcome the frustration?
The most challenging or frustrating thing is to keep coming up with better and better stories each time. And yes, I have overcome that frustration.
6. Can you see using weblogs in other classes? Explain. Be specific with a way to think they could be used?
Yes, in middle, high and college news classes I could use all of the technology
I have learned in this class.
7. Do you more confident about any of your skills: Computer? Writing? Reading? Critical
thinking? Explain.
Yes, I feel more confident about all of those. I have used all of them in many ways in this class. One example is in all of my news stories.
8. Do you ever catch yourself helping others to learn something? How does that feel? Is this a normal role to you or a new to you?
Yes, sometimes it feels that I can actually teach somebody and it feels good. Yes, this a new thing for me.
9. If an outsider visited your site, how would you hope he or she would think about it?
I would hope they would really love it and spread the word to everybody they knew.
10. How have you integrated your learning of weblogs with any other area of your life?
It has helped me live up to my career which I hope will be a computer person.
11. What skills have now that you didn't have are most valuable to you and why?
My vocabulary skills, because I can talk to people with out feeling immature with the words I use.
12.In what ways have you become a better writer?
By getting more involved with the news, using better vocabulary, being more mature, and doing a-lot more critical thinking.