1. What is your favorite thing about weblogs?
My favorite thing about weblogs are that we are posting what we think and what we write about the news being put out in the public.
2. What have you learned?
I have learned how to use different things on the weblogs, what a lead is, and how to appreciate what people write to me even when criticizing me because it might even help me in the future.
3. What will you do with what you have learned?
I will take the knowledge that I have and someday build my own weblog.
4. Can you see using weblogs in other classes?
Yes. We could use them to share good grades that some students have and some experiment ideas with other classes all over the world.
5. Do you ever find yourself helping others to learn something? How does that feel? Is this a normal role for you or new to you?
Yes, I always find myself helping others to learn what they might not understand. This feeling is definitely one of the good ones; it makes you feel important and proud. This is a normal feeling for me.
6. If an outsider visited your site, what would you hope he/she would think about it?
I would hope that they would think highly of my news stories. I would want them to notice how my stories have improved from the beginning to now.
7. In what ways have you become a better writer?
I have improved my vocabulary by using more educated words. Instead of the usual bad, scary, happy, and fun, I looked the words up in the thesaurus to hopefully get my new word.
8. How does having a weblog effect how you learn?
You get to learn in a completely different way. It's exciting to learn by the way of the web. It lets me voice my opinion out into the public instead of just to my teacher.
9. Looking back, what do you wish you would have learned about that you didn't? Or, what would you do differently if you could go back, knowing what you know now?
I wish that I would have known that there was a such thing as weblogs so that I could have started typing to the public earlier.
10. If you could start a weblog of your own, what would you write about?
I would write about different sports tips for people.