To blog or not to blog
It is almost over! I never thought it would end so soon! Next year... ...I will be in a new school! I'll miss you all! The first day of blogging was so exciting! Want to hear about it?
The first day I heard of blogging I thought "What if I was a blogger!" Mrs. C a kind woman with blondish brown hair introduced us to it! The countless projects, the chance to make friends, and improving my writing! I couldn't imagine how fun! [Until now]
Lani commented on "Dissapointment Turned Great". It made me think. "What could I do with that kind of ending? I really don't have an answer still! I wish I had an answer!
Why blog in school? Well it teaches you to write better. You get a chance to chat with people all over the world right in your seat just typing! Blogging gives me another thing to look forward to in school! Even though you do get extra homework. Who cares about a little more homework!
The six traits in writing are Organization, Ideas and content, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, and Conventions. Each one helps me alot here is a link to it.
Blogging has been an awesome experience! I hope I get to next year! Thanks again Mrs. C!
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